Saturday 21 December 2013

2014 can be different for you....

See the world around you ...
everything is changing... and not necessarily for the better. 
When it is close to impossible to change the circumstances in which we find ourselves, the only factor that can be changed is ourselves.

In a lecture I delivered to students in their early twenties, the topic came about to "why should we bother about these matters of health when we are so fit and eager today..."

True, the time we realize, taking urgent care becomes imperative. Heart is such a topic, no one will delay for too long or shy from seeking the best help.

Here is a book that you can order on that can change things, especially your health for the better.

I write this blog now, four months after the publication encouraged with the comments about the many small and big changes in the health (body and mind) people have enjoyed from tips in the book. and hope many more get the opportunity to change for the better.

I look forward to more responses, they encourage such well meaning books for all...

have a Healthy, Happy new Year...